Healthcare in action: All healthcare institutions in Hadyach Rayon are computerised and integrated into single network

All rural and urban outpatient clinics, health posts, and a rayon hospital were computerised in the Hadyach Rayon of the Poltava Oblast. A single electronic network covers primary, specialised and in part highly specialised links. Establishment and maintenance of a full-fledged functioning of this system took a year and a half.

“By creating a single network of the Hadyach Rayon, we united day-patient facilities and outpatient clinics. It enables prompt data exchange. A specialist from the Central Rayon Hospital can see what is going on in the village, and then this information comes to the inpatient clinic. There is also an electronic queue enabling village doctor to make a patient’s appointment with the doctor in the town or city at a specific time. Therefore, we do not have queues in the premises. Besides, this system provides control over quality of healthcare,” tells Oleksiy Matyushenko, head of the Hadyach Rayon State Administration.

In the rayon, they also decided to abandon film-based X-ray: purchased digital instruments for fluorography and X-rays, and connected them to the server. All results are now stored there.

Nevertheless, technical solutions do not provide qualitative healthcare on their own. It is important that doctors work professionally and there is no recruitment problem. To do this, the programme of additional payment to doctors was adopted at the rayon level. Besides, the programmes of service housing and car provision to doctors are being financed from the rayon budget.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

24.01.2018 - 09:22 | Views: 16636
Healthcare in action: All healthcare institutions in Hadyach Rayon are computerised and integrated into single network




Полтавська область


Міністерство охорони здоров'я України

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