One more rayon in Poltava Oblast joined process of hromadas’ amalgamation

On the Day of Ukrainian Unity, the experts from the Poltava Local Government Development Centre (established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion) have held open meetings with the leaders and residents of several villages and rural settlements of the Orzhytsya Rayon, where along with the rayon leaders, they told the residents about the prospects of settlements after establishment of amalgamated hromadas. So far there has been no AH formed in the Orzhytsya Rayon.

It was preceded by a coordination meeting, conducted by Olena Krazhan, head of the Orzhytsya Rayon State Administration, together with the heads of the rural settlement of Novoorzhytske, villages of Vyshneve, Voronyntsi and Lazirky. A preliminary agreement was reached to quickly start work on AH establishment on the basis of these settlements in order to hold elections in the first half of the current year. The issue of definition of the future AH centre remains rather controversial.

Oleksandr Isyp, decentralisation expert of the Poltava LGDC, said: “It’s nice that finally the ice has broken up in the rayon – this year it is planned to establish two capable hromadas, that, I hope, will cover most of the Orzhytsya Rayon. These are the future Orzhytska and Lazirkivska AHs.”

At present, there remain only 4 rayons in the Poltava Oblast (except for the mentioned Orzhytsya rayon) with no amalgamated hromadas established, including the smallest Chornukhy and large (in area and population) Zinkiv ones.

22.01.2018 - 16:56 | Views: 13084

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Полтавська область


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