Orphans are being provided with housing in Talnivska AH

Two social apartments were purchased in the Talnivska AH at the expense of state subvention and own hromada funds, in total – for a sum of over UAH 658 thousand.

The queue for social housing, initiated in 2011, has moved out for the first time. According to Larysa Shevtsova, head of the social services department of the administration of the Talne town council and executive committee, the issue of providing housing for social categories of people has not yet been resolved. Currently, more than 20 orphans and persons deprived of parental care are in the residential queue for social housing.

The Talnivska amalgamated hromada succeeded in acquiring two apartments – one-and two-bedroom ones. The mayor of Talne Oleksiy Yurchenko has recently handed the keys to the first owner – Volodymyr Biryukov, the first in the list for social housing. He will become the owner of a two-room apartment, where he will live with his sister, who is now residing with her baby in the Kaniv mother and child care centre.

22.01.2018 - 14:32 | Views: 11917

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Черкаська область


Тальнівська територіальна громада


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