The Road Fund has started working in Ukraine since 1 January. Its main goal is to make the financing of the road sector transparent and predictable. Besides, decentralisation of the road sector took place: now Ukravtodor is responsible for 50 thousand km of public roads, and local authorities – for 120 thousand km of local roads. Thus, it is likely that in the near future Ukrainian roads will make a qualitative leap forward. And instead of directions, drivers will first get a good quality road surface, and then highways, writes ZN.UA
Decentralisation and predictability for the road sector, that will be achieved this year due to the Road Fund and distribution of powers between Ukravtodor and the oblasts, will provide a solid foundation for the further development of the industry. And then in 5-7 years Ukraine will be able to really integrate into the European transport network, and Ukrainians will start considering road trips as funny adventures instead of painful imminence.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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