Better good neighbour than distant friend. Interview with Pyryatyn mayor Oleksiy Ryabokon

We believe that the author of the “brilliant” socialist idea to introduce a deep plowing on the Poltava black soil was hardly realising he was cutting off not only his own genus, but also causing irreparable damage to several generations of his countrymen.

Unfortunately, the consequences of that “innovation” – aridity, droughts, forever lost rivers and lakes, and even such a visitation of God as a dust storm on once flowering fields – were not long in coming. Already today, nutritious moisture is be worth its weight in gold in many villages, rural settlements and towns of the Poltava Oblast.

Water tariffs in some villages are too high – over UAH 15 per cubic metre. In Pyryatyn, they make up UAH 8.40.

“In our hromada (and now it unites 10 settlements) we constantly keep this matter under control,” explains Oleksiy Ryabokon, head of the AH. We have a powerful communal enterprise Vodokanal, appropriate equipment, machinery, and specialists. Of course, this requires a lot of budget funds and investment search for equipment upgrades. While nearby, the residents of small still non-amalgamated hromadas suffer from improper water supply. And what if we reach them out a helping hand?”


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

22.01.2018 - 13:35 | Views: 19538

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water water supply cooperation cooperation practices


Полтавська область


Пирятинська територіальна громада


Програма Ради Європи «Децентралізація і територіальна консолідація в Україні»

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