Administrative Service Centres can now be followed in Instagram

Residents of the pilot hromadas of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme became the authors of the page featuring their current hromada life. Now you can look into the administrative service centres of the pilot hromadas participating in the U-LEAD with Europe Programme through the Instagram-account, the content of which is being created by the employees of the ASCs in over 20 AHs of Ukraine.

Profile photos feature the ordinary life of hromada residents, ASCs’ work in different parts of the country, difficulties and achievements, small joys and great victories of the newly amalgamated hromadas.

For example, this week we have found out that the Mykolayiv ASC registered the 13th child of the happy Koplyks family, and that a child’s birth registration became the 200th service of the ASC in the Medzhybizka AH, launched at the end of December 2017.

By the way, every week we will determine the winning photo (by the number of likes) and award prizes! Therefore, follow us in Instagram, support your hromadas and submit your content suggestions.

The account is available by the link ULEADwithEurope

20.01.2018 - 12:51 | Views: 14274

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Administrative services


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