ANNOUNCEMENT! Digital solutions for hromadas. Decentralisation hackathon to be held on 16-18 February in Lviv

In support of the decentralisation reform and promoting the interaction between citizens and local authorities in hromadas U-LEAD invites to the first hackathon in Ukraine that focuses on hromada development.

For participants’ registration has been launched this week.

The hackathon will take place on 16 - 18 February in Lviv.

It is a design sprint-like event where IT programmers, graphic designers, project managers, as well as subject-matter-experts collaborate intensively on digital solution.

The Lviv DeHack will focus on digital applications for the benefit of hromadas.

Software developers, interested citizens, representatives of hromadas are encouraged to discuss ideas that could be turned into digital applications and to register for the event.

19.01.2018 - 10:10 | Views: 13835
ANNOUNCEMENT! Digital solutions for hromadas. Decentralisation hackathon to be held on 16-18 February in Lviv


Львівська область


Програма «U-LEAD з Європою»

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