Competition of journalist reports on decentralisation started in Vinnytsya Oblast

In the Vinnytsya Oblast, journalists and journalism faculty students are invited to take part in the regional competition of journalist reports “Reform of local self-government and territorial organisation of power”, announced in accordance with the decision of the Vinnytsya Oblast Council and conducted with methodological support of the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Territorial Consolidation in Ukraine” .

The purpose of the Competition is to raise awareness among the population of the Vinnytsia Oblast of the benefits and achievements of local self-government reform and decentralisation of power, as well as the best practices, initiatives and positive changes in hromadas’ development. It will become the second competition to be conducted in the Vinnytsya Oblast after its launch in 2017 with the assistance of the Council of Europe.

Prize fund of the Competition includes 18 awards:

  • first place in every of the 3 nominations – online publication, article and video/radio material (in total, three monetary prizes of UAH 10 000);

  • 2 second places in every of the 3 nominations – online publication, article and video/radio material (in total, six monetary prizes of UAH 6 000) ;

  • 3 third places in every of the 3 nominations – online publication, article and video/radio material (in total, nine monetary prizes of UAH 3 000).

To participate in the Competition, it is necessary to fill in the online Application form of the Competition participant on the website of the Vinnytsya Oblast Council in the “Competitions” section by 1 April.


The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

18.01.2018 - 13:50 | Views: 10421

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Програма Ради Європи «Децентралізація і територіальна консолідація в Україні»

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