Pidzakharychi village is amalgamating with Vyzhnytska AH
The process of settlements’ accession to amalgamated hromadas in the Chernivtsi Oblast is gaining momentum. The Pidzakharychi village council of the Putyla Rayon decided to join the Vyzhnytska AH, reports the Reform Office of the Chernivtsi Regional Department of the Association of Ukrainian Cities. The Vyzhnytsya town council and Pidzakharychi village council decided to establish a joint working group on preparation of the draft decision on accession to the Vyzhnytska urban AH.
The Vyzhnytska AH was formed in 2016. It includes the Vyzhnytsya town council and six village councils of the Vyzhnytsya Rayon with the total number of population of over 17 thousand residents, while the Pidzakharychivska community has about 1 thousand residents. The Pidzakharychi village council, which operates on the territory of the villages of Pidzacharychi, Mizhbrody and Khorovy, is located in the Putyla Rayon, but borders with the Vyzhnytska AH. A significant part of the residents of these villages work in Vyzhnytsya. This is the fifth community in the Chernivtsi Oblast to expand by accession of the neighbouring settlements.

Чернівецька областьГромади:
Вижницька міська об’єднана територіальна громада Вижницька територіальна громадаSource:

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