Village councils of oblast amalgamate into new hromada

The resolution of the head of the oblast state administration approved the conclusion on the conformity of the draft decisions regarding voluntary amalgamation of territorial communities of the Andrivkaand Novotroyitske village councils of the Berdyansk Rayon into the Andrivska amalgamated hromada to the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

The Andrivska rural amalgamated hromada with its centre in the village of Andrivka will be located within the Berdyansk Rayon of the Zaporizhzhya Oblast and will include territorial communities of the villages of Andrivka, Polouzivka, Troyany of the Andrivka village council, and the village of Novotroyitske of the Novotroyitske village council of the Berdyansk Rayon.

Draft decisions on the voluntary amalgamation of the above-mentioned territorial communities comply with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

To date, 42 amalgamated hromadas have been established on the territory of the oblast, uniting 153 local councils. First local elections were held in 36 of them, while six more are waiting for the decision of the Central Electoral Commission.

According to the programme of support of AHs of the Zaporizhzhya Oblast, in 2017, 24 AHs that amalgamated in 2015-2016, received funding from the oblast budget in the amount of UAH 12 million (UAH 500 thousand each).

The state envisaged funding of AH infrastructure development over 2018 in the total amount of UAH 1.9 billion.


Запорізька область


Сайт Запорізької ОДА

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