Representatives of amalgamated hromadas from west of Ukraine will study in Ternopil

On 26-28 January, the first session of the “Local Democracy School” project will take place in Ternopil. In general, there are 3 educational sessions, an educational trip to Poland and municipal forum envisaged within the framework of the project.

During the first session the following topics will be discussed by the participants:

  • Features of the work of local self-government bodies in the decentralisation process,

  • Management of housing and communal services within the reform conditions,

  • Methods of implementing participatory instruments (positive examples of other cities),

  • Registration of a public organisation.

The “Teams for Change” consisting of three representatives – a deputy of the local council, executive official and public organisation leader (public activist), are the participants of the project.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

17.01.2018 - 10:10 | Views: 13770
Representatives of amalgamated hromadas from west of Ukraine will study in Ternopil




Львівська область Тернопільська область Хмельницька область Чернівецька область


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