Ukrainians studied experience of Poland in area of ​​overcoming emergency situations for AHs

The purpose of the training was to borrow the comprehensive experience of Poland in developing a system of crisis management from the national level to the community level and establishment of community safety centres in order to build similar structures in 2018 in three pilot oblasts – the Donetsk, Vinnytsya and Sumy ones.

The representatives of MinRegion, Ministry of Internal Affairs, National Police, central structures and regional divisions of the State Emergency Service, heads of amalgamated hromadas, directors and experts of the Local Government Development Centers (LGDCs), established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, took part in the training.

The Sumy Oblast was represented by Yuriy Yaremchuk, head of the Krasnopilska AH, Andriy Oleynikov, first deputy head of the Chief Directorate of the SES in the Sumy Oblast, Oleksandr Horuzhenko, director of the Sumy LGDC, and Dmytro Lukyanets, decentralisation adviser of the LGDC.

16.01.2018 - 15:30 | Views: 10098
Ukrainians studied experience of Poland in area of ​​overcoming emergency situations for AHs



Сумська область


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