AHs of Vinnytsya Oblast learn to efficiently manage bioresources

On 10 January, the Vinnytsya Local Government Development Centre gathered representatives of AHs of the Vinnytsya Oblast to discuss the opportunities to manage hromadas’ bioresources. The event was organised with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

As it is known, Ukraine has an extremely high renewable energy potential. With regard to energy efficiency, each host should know about available resources and be able to use them. During the training session, the heads of hromadas of the Vinnytsya Oblast got acquainted with the experience and best practices of the use of renewable resources in the European Union and Ukraine, as well as studied the possibilities of using local raw materials and specially cultivated biomass for the production of heat and electricity.

The training session was held by Mykhaylo Humentyk, candidate of agricultural sciences and expert in the field of renewable energy sources, Vasyl Paskaryk, representative of the NGO “Scientific and Technical Bioenergy Centre”, experts of the Vinnytsya LGDC.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

11.01.2018 - 10:00 | Views: 10110
AHs of Vinnytsya Oblast learn to efficiently manage bioresources

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Вінницька область


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