Vehicle fleet of Bilyayivska AH expanded by bus for transportation of people with reduced mobility

On Wednesday, 10 January, the first bus, adapted for transportation of people with reduced mobility, appeared on the Bilyayivka route. As reported by the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, it is the fourth municipal bus in the Bilyayivska urban amalgamated hromada, but the first one of such configuration, with a special folding wheelchair ramp.

It should be noted that earlier the residents used the private carrier services, but later a municipal enterprise was established, for which one bus was purchased and two more repaired, and now, due to the target subvention, the fourth low-floor bus was purchased from the state budget.

It is worth reminding that the Bilyayivska AH was formed in 2015. In total there are already 25 amalgamated hromadas in the Odesa Oblast.

Photo: Inna Verro, resident of the Bilyayivka village, tried out a new bus

11.01.2018 - 09:47 | Views: 11391
Vehicle fleet of Bilyayivska AH expanded by bus for transportation of people with reduced mobility

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Одеська область


Біляївська міська об’єднана територіальна громада


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