School bus as New Year present to children of Mlynivska AH

On New Year holidays children, their parents and teachers of the Novyna-Dobryatynska general secondary school of the 1st-3rd degrees welcomed a new school bus. The children received this gift due to the “School Bus” state programme.

The bus was purchased for the funds of the oblast budget and the budget of the Mlynivska amalgamated hromada, in total – UAH 1719.6 thousand (UAH 1071 thousand – from the oblast budget, and UAH 648.6 thousand – at the expense of the infrastructure subvention to the institutions of the Mlynivska AH).

The need for a school bus in the Novyna-Dobryatynska school was long overdue, as children from three villages, belonging to the Dobryatyn starosta district, study here. 66 kids from Dobryatyn and Ostriyiv will now get to school conveniently every day. They became the first passengers of the new bus.

Dmytro Levytskyi, head of the Mlynivska AH, noted that the school bus is primarily the safety of children on their way to school, calmness of parents, and, of course, equal access to quality education for every pupil.

04.01.2018 - 08:39 | Views: 12180

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Рівненська область


Млинівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Млинівська територіальна громада


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