698 AHs: amalgamation process is on

The benefits of decentralisation are felt by every hromada, so the process of hromadas’ amalgamation is continuing and gaining momentum. There are 698 amalgamated hromadas established in Ukraine, said Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.

We have 665 AHs, where the first elections have already taken place, another 33 hromadas are waiting for the decision of the Central Electoral Commission to appoint the first elections. In general, over 6 million Ukrainians live in these hromadas, and over 29% of the country’s territory is covered by AHs.

The Dnipropetrovsk and Zhytomyr Oblasts are leading by the pace of amalgamation.

In addition, the Oblast State Administrations are preparing an appeal to the CEC concerning the holding of the first elections in 6 hromadas. Besides, the accession procedure started in 27 AHs.

To improve and simplify the process of hromadas’ amalgamation, MinRegion initiated the adoption of the necessary legislative base. Thus, 7 laws that strengthened AHs were adopted in 2017.

02.01.2018 - 17:08 | Views: 8320
698 AHs: amalgamation process is on




Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України

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