State healthcare subvention funds for rural areas: when, how much and what for will regions direct them – Government Regulation

According to the Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers (No983), oblast state administrations should submit proposals to MinRegion on projects and activities that will be financed through the state budget subvention for the development of the healthcare system in rural areas already in January 2018.

The total amount of the subvention is UAH 4 billion. Funds will be directed at:

  • construction of healthcare facilities in the rural areas,
  • purchase of medical equipment for healthcare institutions in the rural areas;
  • development of telecommunication infrastructure;
  • provision of healthcare specialists working in the rural areas with housing and cars.

Subsequently, the facilities for which the subvention is being allocated will be financed or maintained at the expense of local budgets.

Allocation of subvention funds among oblasts is as follows:





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