Competition for Director of Local Government Development Centre in Lviv Oblast was announced

MinRegion and the U-LEAD with Europe Programme announced a competitive selection for the position of director of a separate subdivision of the Local Government Development Centre (LGDC) in the Lviv Oblast. Applications are to be submitted by 10 January 2018.

  1. Obligatory requirements:
  • Diploma of complete higher education;
  • Work experience – at least three years in managerial positions in the private sector / government and / or local government bodies (manager of the first or second level), and / or non-governmental organisations.
  1. Special requirements:
  • participation in successfully implemented social, economic, cultural / business projects;
  • knowledge of Ukraine's legislative framework in the field of public administration, decentralisation, local self-government; general principles of formation of local budgets and taxation system; principles of establishment and operation ofamalgamated hromadas; Constitution of Ukraine.
  • list of skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of functions:
    • strategic analysis and planning skills;
    • developed project management skills and experience of their application;
    • organisational, managerial skills;
    • ability to find solutions to problems in complex, even conflict situations;
    • negotiation skills;
    • resistance to stress, ability to work in a heavy load mode;
    • fluency in the state language.
  • Other requirements:
    • leadership and positive reputation in the region;
    • no record of convictions and no involvement in corruption scandals;
    • established relations with public organisations, local executive authorities, local government bodies, representatives of business in the region, public opinion leaders, mass media, etc.
  • required competencies:
  • Statehood: conscious activity aimed at achieving the goal in the interests of the state. Democratic approach, pro-European direction
  • Strategic vision: demonstration of strategic vision of the situation, proactive work; comprehensive consideration of problems, events: ability to extensively analyse the situation, draw conclusions and predict possible future consequences; ability to formulate strategic priorities, specific goals and objectives for their achievement.
  • Management of changes: successful actions under uncertainty; the ability to initiate and lead change processes, take personal responsibility for the results of changes; ability to motivate people about the need and nature of the changes being implemented.
  • Team management: the ability to select motivated staff and develop a team, communicate government goals, work standards, key projects; organise, maintain and control team work
  • Leadership and target orientation: the ability to create a clear and desirable vision for the future of the country / region / hromada development for people; to clearly formulate the task determining the results of its implementation; ensure that strategic goals are conscious priorities of all stakeholders, and maintain confidence in the ability to achieve these goals.
  • Intermediate and higher level of English will be considered as an advantage.

Persons who meet the main qualification requirements and wish to take part in the competition have to submit the following documents:

  • expanded resume (education, specialty, work experience – required);

A candidate can provide additional information about his/her education, work experience, professional level and reputation (characteristics, recommendations, scientific publications, etc.).

Documents are accepted by 10 January, including in electronic format to with the note “Director of the Lviv Separated Subdivision of the LGDC”. The final decision will be made by the competition commission consisting of the representatives of MinRegion, international partners, all-Ukrainian associations of local self-government bodies, and experts.

The exact date of the interview will be informed additionally.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

28.12.2017 - 09:46 | Views: 17602
Competition for Director of Local Government Development Centre in Lviv Oblast was announced


vacancy competition


Львівська область


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