Football coaches, school of communications advisers and other opportunities for AHs of Zaporizhzhya Oblast

Training of football coaches for amalgamated hromadas (AH), construction of multifunctional sports complexes, holding of the Football Cup among AH teams, conducting of training events by the Project Management School and the School of Communications Advisers, study tours and experience exchange tours both in Ukraine and to Europe, trainings on projects’ preparation for the State Fund for Regional Development, holding of the Regional Development Forum, assistance in the development of at least five AH development Strategies, energy saving and investment capacity building seminars are just one part of events planned by the Zaporizhzhya Local Government Development Centre for 2018.

By 2019, the U-LEAD with Europe Programme plans to open about 30 Administrative Service Centres in the AHs of the Zaporizhzhya Oblast on a competitive basis. The terms of participation include the premises’ availability and readiness to co-finance.

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27.12.2017 - 10:26 | Views: 9135
Football coaches, school of communications advisers and other opportunities for AHs of Zaporizhzhya Oblast

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