We have built long-awaited asphalt roads in villages: achievements and plans of Koropska AH
A year after the first elections in the amalgamated hromada – is it much or not? In December 2016 elections were held in 11 hromadas of Chernihiv Oblast. The Koropska amalgamated hromada, comprising the rural settlement of Korop and 45 settlements, is one of them. It is large by the territory, but sparsely populated. It has tourist attractions and historical sights, but all this requires substantial investments. What was the first year of the hromada like and what are its plans for 2018?
First steps
Viktor Zhuravel, head of the rural settlement of Korop, says that much has been done over the first year, as it is in other hromadas. The first thing we have done after amalgamation was the establishment of educational department and transfer of schools and kindergartens to the hromada assets. “The first constituent session of the hromada took place on 30 December 2016. And already on 17 January 2017, the educational department was set up. In order not to cause any stir among the teachers, we have directed our funds to the rayon budget, and our hromada educators received their salary on time. Then an educational subvention came, so over a year we managed to save some money – we plan to use them to replenish the material base of our hromada schools,” says Mr Zhuravel.
In addition to the educational department, the departments of social protection, culture and finance were established. Besides, in January, the seals were produced for all starostas, so that they could continue to provide services to the residents.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Чернігівська областьГромади:
Коропська територіальна громадаSource:
Чернігівський Центр розвитку місцевого самоврядування
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