Administrative Service Centre has been opened in Chervonetska amalgamated hromada

On 22 December, a new ASC has been opened in the urban-type settlement of Chervone in the Zhytomyr Oblast, with the support of the Ukrainian and Swedish experts. The Centre will provide hromada residents with more than 100 types of administrative services, including the most popular in the AH: registration of residents, notarial, social, pension, land services, services of local significance, business and real estate registration.

The U-LEAD with Europe Programme assisted the hromada in reconstruction of the interior of the premises, institutional establishment of the ASC, as well as equipment of the centre with furniture and modern technology with specialised software. The ASC in the Chervonenska AH is another example of an effective partnership between the hromada and international donor programme, providing about 6 000 hromada residents with an access to high-quality administrative services.

Susanna Dellans, Project Manager of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s Support to Improved Administrative Service Delivery, said:

“We are very happy to cooperate with such active hromadas as the Chervonenska one and congratulate its residents on the opening of the Centre. Due to the Swedish experience of providing convenient and affordable administrative services, hromada residents will now be able to receive quality services in comfortable conditions. I am convinced that ASC establishment will significantly increase the standards of living in the hromada and contribute to its sustainable development.”

Yuriy Yashchuk, head of Chervone settlement, expressed his gratitude to the U-LEAD with Europe Programme partners:

“The prosperity of the country begins with the prosperity of every settlement, even a small one. We are very pleased to have the opportunity to join the Programme, that assisted the hromada to open a modern and comfortable administrative service centre. Now our residents will be able not only to receive quality services, but also to take a more active part in hromada development.”

On the eve of the opening, the residents were informed about the features of the ASC work, its advantages, rights and obligations of employees and consumers of services. The Centre is accessible to people with disabilities and has a children’s indoor play corner.

It is worth reminding that 26 ASCs will be opened in Ukrainian amalgamated hromadas within the framework of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme which aims at improving the delivery of local administrative services. The best practices for creating and improving the delivery of administrative services that are tested and implemented in the pilot hromadas of the inception phase will be applied to all ASCs to be opened or modernised within the next phase of the Programme. That is at least 600 ASCs by the end of 2020.

22.12.2017 - 14:44 | Views: 18314
Administrative Service Centre has been opened in Chervonetska amalgamated hromada

Attached images:


Administrative services


Житомирська область


Червоненська територіальна громада


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