Ordinary hromada turns into SMART one in Chernihiv Oblast

The Mykhaylo-Kotsubynska amalgamated hromada has become one of the twenty hromadas to start the project “SMART HROMADA – ESTABLISHING TOGETHER” in December with the support of the Agency for Innovation, Sustainable Development and Energy Efficiency.

Today, the notion of “SMART” is frequently used in various spheres of life. Hromadas and cities become so-called compact areas, with access of all residents to self-government and online provision of services. In addition, due to such SMART-modernisation, the comfort of life in hromada increases, local government’s work becomes more proficient, and the “authorities-hromada” relations become closer.

According to the organisers, during the project implementation together with the experts of the Agency for Innovation, Sustainable Development and Energy Efficiency, as well as the experts involved, 12 thematic webinars will be held, where the participants will work on draft documents, optimisation of processes and web services to establish smart hromadas and administrations, issues of energy efficiency and energy saving, creation of conditions for transparency and e-governance, attraction of investments, etc.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Чернігівська область


Михайло-Коцюбинська територіальна громада


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