Rozhnovsky water tower has been recently installed in the village of Bohunove, belonging to the Konoplyanska amalgamated hromada (Ivanivka Rayon of the Odesa Oblast).
According to the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, the water tower is located not far from the local educational complex attended by 130 pupils and 30 preschoolers, and being long outdated, caused water supply breakdowns there.
The tower was replaced at the expense of the infrastructure subvention funds. According to the hromada head Oleksandr Voloshyn, the AH plans to replace the water pipe segment, leading from the tower to the school.
It is worth mentioning that the deputies of the Konoplyane village council approved the decision on allocation of funds to purchase six children’s playgrounds and six public transport stops at the expense of the AH local budget.
The Konoplyanska AH is going to celebrate its first anniversary since their first elections in December 2016. The hromada’s population amounts to about five thousand citizens.
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