Announcement! Decentralisation results in oblast to be discussed in Chernivtsi on 19 December

On 19 December the local self-government experts, representatives of the public, media, and local authorities will discuss the power decentralisation reform in Ukraine in the framework of the press club “Up-close reforms” and upon the initiative of the NGO “Laboratory of Democratic Transformations” along with the Chernivtsi Local Government Development Centre and Chernivtsi public television “InfoKey”.

Reforms’ implementation is a difficult and complex process that raises a lot of questions, and answers are only occasionally visible. We invited Yuriy Hanushchak, decentralisation expert of the Reanimation Package of Reform and author of the draft laws on reforming local government, budget, and state procurement, to find these answers.

Contact persons:

Andriy Kuchcran +30953666712, communications advisor of the Chernivtsi Local Government Development Centre

Anna Nohol +380955365822, representative of the NGO “Laboratory of Democratic Transformations”


Чернівецька область


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