Radical “decentralisation of roads” expected from 1 January, - Slavomir Novak

From 1 January, 50 thousand km of roads will remain at the level of Kyiv, while 120 thousand km will be transferred to the level of oblast administrations, Slavomir Novak, head of Ukravtodor, told Espreso TV channel.

“In EU countries, different self-government levels are responsible for different levels of roads. In Ukraine, and I was shocked by this fact, Ukravtodor located in Kyiv is responsible for the road network of 170 thousand km!” said Mr Novak.

“This is a crazy number of kilometres across the country. And due to decentralisation, 50 thousand km of roads will remain at the level of Kyiv, at the level of Ukravtodor, from 1 January. 120 thousand km will be transferred to the level of responsibility of oblast administrations. This reform is fundamental – it changes everything,” he emphasised.

“I call it the new constitution of roads in Ukraine. The first year will be difficult, as it always is when great reforms are being implemented. We will help and patronise. But I’m sure that decentralisation will work very well in a year or two,” summed up the head of Ukravtodor.

18.12.2017 - 10:08 | Views: 10619
Radical “decentralisation of roads” expected from 1 January, - Slavomir Novak





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