Decentralisation reform changed life of Chernykhivetska AH for better

Positive changes related to the decentralisation reform are already felt by the residents of the Chernykhivetska hromada, which in 2016 amalgamated Chernykhivtsi, Staryi Zbarazh and Vernyaky villages. In addition to the expanded powers, the hromada got new opportunities, increased own revenues to the budget, as well as implementation of infrastructure projects. Stepan Barna, head of the Ternopil Oblast State Administration, during his working visit to the Zbarazh Rayon was convinced that the changes are really visible for every AH resident.

In particular, he visited the village of Chernykhivtsi, where he inspected the local school, kindergarten, outpatient clinic, and talked with employees and ordinary residents of the hromada.

Thus, in 2017, 26 windows have been replaced in the Chernykhivtsi general secondary school of the 1st-3rd degrees at the expense of the local budget in the amount of more than UAH 119 thousand. The current renovation of the sports hall that cost UAH 109 thousand is also completed. Previously, the school roof was completely replaced.

As for the outpatient clinic of general practice of family healthcare, over 1,620 people are served there. The outpatient clinic is provided with necessary medicines for proper work. However, as physicians emphasise, it is still necessary to purchase some of the equipment they need, and this issue is currently being solved. Besides, the “Available medicines” Government programme operates there.

After visiting the outpatient clinic, the head of the Ternopil Oblast inspected the kindergarten, insulated due to the subvention from the special state budget fund to local budgets for the formation of infrastructure of amalgamated hromadas. It was done in order to implement energy-efficient measures. In total, the cost of the project amounted to UAH 712 thousand, out of which UAH 547 thousand were allocated from the state budget and UAH 165 thousand were provided by the local budget.

In addition, Stepan Barna also handed the AH head Maria Kipybida the keys to a special vehicle purchased for public utility needs at the expense of the same subvention. The cost of equipment is UAH 620 thousand.

It is worth reminding that in 2017, the state budget envisaged the provision of 36 amalgamated hromadas of the Ternopil Oblast with UAH 115 million 491 thousand of subvention for infrastructure development, including UAH 38 million 497 thousand at the expense of the general fund of the state budget, and UAH 76 million 993 thousand at the expense of the special fund of the state budget.


Тернопільська область


Сайт Тернопільської ОДА

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