57th amalgamated hromada was established in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast – Valentyn Reznichenko

The number of amalgamated hromadas in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast increased. The Lychkivska hromada in the Mahdalynivka Rayon became the 57th one. According to Valentyn Reznichenko, head of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast State Administration, after the election of the head and deputies, it will have direct relations with the State Budget and independence in the disposal of funds.

“One of the priorities of Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko is to transfer powers and resources to the ground. It is a manifestation of decentralisation. 16 hromadas were created in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast in 2015, 18 – in 2016, and 22 have been formed this year. Today, the new Lychkivska hromada has been amalgamated. From now on it will have more opportunities – from financial independence to independence in decision-making,” stressed Valentyn Reznichenko.

Lychkove, Pryorilske and Buzova village councils amalgamated around the new hromada with its centre in the village of Lychkove. It consists of eight settlements with almost 5.4 thousand residents.

“When the decentralisation reform started, we could not decide if we would join anyone, or unite ourselves. Numerous surveys showed that people still want to amalgamate in the hromada with its centre in Lychkove. We hope that the residents will only benefit from it. We will have more efficient management, direct links with the State Budget, 60% of the income tax will remain on the ground. All funds will be directed to the development of territories,” said Anatoliy Chupryna, Lychkove village head.

The newly established amalgamated hromada has already provided the Central Electoral Commission with the documents for the appointment of the election date. People will elect their heads and deputies.

There are currently 57 amalgamated hromadas in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.


Дніпропетровська область


Сайт Дніпропетровської ОДА

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