GRANTS! Collection of applications to “Voice of hromada in local self-government” competition from civil society organisations has started

Global Communities invites organisations experienced in engaging the public, mobilisation of hromadas and youth, as well as building capacity of civil society organisations, to submit applications for participation in the “Voice of Hromada in Local Self-Government” competition.


Cooperative Housing Foundation Organisation, acting under the name Global Communities, was appointed by the USAID (US Agency for International Development) as the main recipient of funds under the programme of international technical assistance “Decentralisation Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE).

Civil society organisations able to provide technical, expert and consulting support to amalgamated hromadas in strengthening citizens’ participation and engaging them in decision-making at the local level are invited to submit applications.

Organisations will need to work in the Kirovohrad, Dnipropetrovsk and Ivano-Frankivsk Oblasts.

Global Communities plan to provide three subgrants for a sum of USD 50.000 to 100.000 each for up to 12 month period.

Signing of grant agreements is planned on 1 February 2018 the earliest.

Interested organisations can submit their applications in paper or electronic form to the e-mail – until 27 December 2017.

All questions or requests on information supply have to be sent to Kateryna Andruschenko’s e-mail till 20 December 2017.

Terms of Reference (download)

Application form (download)

Budget form (download)


11.12.2017 - 10:06 | Views: 20271
GRANTS! Collection of applications to “Voice of hromada in local self-government” competition from civil society organisations has started

Attached files:


grant competition


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