A modern energy-efficient ASC, providing over 33,000 Polonska AH residents with convenient access to high-quality administrative services, will appear in the town of Polonne, Khmelnytskyi Oblast. The concept of the Centre was created as a result of cooperation of Ukrainian and Swedish experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.
The ASC will deliver more than 140 administrative services required the most by the hromada residents. The centre will provide 11 workplaces employing specialists trained under a specially developed programme: for two months, the ASC employees were studying five modules on essential topics.
Due to the energy-efficient technologies used in the ASC construction in the Polonska AH, the hromada will save about 30% of the energy required for the centre’s work. Heat pumps will operate in the ASC – these devices can heat and cool the room, providing it with hot water, with minimal energy consumption. In addition, the centre will use recuperation technology (reuse of energy).
Susanna Dellans, Project Manager of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support to improved administrative service delivery, said: “A combination of Swedish experience in delivering local services and modern “green technologies” creates the necessary conditions for residents of the Polonska hromada to not only receive high-quality and affordable administrative services, but also save the AH funds. We are very pleased that the hromada is actively involved and is applying significant efforts to effectively implement the partnership.”
The ASC will be established according to the European standards and accessible to people with disabilities. An inner children’s play corner will be arranged in the premises.
The newly built centre is to be opened in March 2018.
It is worth reminding that within the framework of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s first phase support to improved administrative service delivery 26 ASCs are planned to be opened in Ukrainian AHs. The best practices of creation and improvement of the quality of administrative services delivery in AHs, which are currently being developed and implemented in 26 hromadas, will be applied in all ASCs that will open or improve work in the next phase of the Programme. That is about 600 centres by the end of 2020.
Video-sketch of the future ASC:
Хмельницька областьГромади:
Полонська територіальна громадаSource:
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