What factors hinder process of hromadas’ establishment in Donetsk Oblast and who can help?

The TV Programme “PROmova”, that came live on the TV channel “Do TeBe” – the Donetsk regional branch of the National Public Television and Radio Company of Ukraine – was dedicated to the Local Self-Governance Day.

This time discussion was “ABOUT HROMADAS” and summed up the results of decentralisation in the Donetsk Oblast in 2017.

Serhiy Ivahnin, local finance advisor of the Donetsk Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, was the guest in the studio.

Together with the author and programme presenter Nataliya Pokolenko they were searching for the answers to urgent questions: why is Donetsk Oblast falling behind in the ranking by the number of AHs established, what hinders the local self-government reform and why was Volnovakha Rayon, with three hromadas to be formed there, left without elections in December 2017? They also discussed the successes of the already established AHs, possibilities of studying in other regions of Ukraine and abroad, advisory assistance of the Donetsk LGDC experts to amalgamated hromadas, as well as to those on their way to amalgamation.

Details can be found in the video:




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