President expects the increase of united communities’ budgets in 2018

President Petro Poroshenko emphasizes that the process of voluntary association of territorial communities should be considered generally successful and “the benefits from decentralization will be given not only to the big cities and regional centers”. The Head of State also expressed hope that the Parliament would adopt the State Budget 2018 providing for the further increase in the current revenue base of local budgets.

“Almost three thousand of rural councils have created 665 united territorial communities,” Petro Poroshenko said delivering a speech in the II Ukrainian Forum of United Citizens “Initiatives that Change Life”. The Head of State emphasized the voluntary nature of this association “without any pressure from the center”.

"The united communities automatically receive at their disposal 60% of the personal income tax," Petro Poroshenko said. He added that "it immediately doubles, and in some cases, increases their own revenues, powers, opportunities, rights and hence their own responsibility six times".

"A significant number of motivated, materially capable communities have been formed, which are intended to manage their own affairs independently and effectively, and not as they used to be - just a small cash payment to their employees," the President underlined.

The Head of State especially emphasized that "the experience of pioneers should absolutely inspire others". At the same time, he noted that the government offers "additional incentives that should remove the doubts of those who are still hesitant".

“Together, I hope we have great chances this week to pass the Law on the State Budget for 2018 in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,” the President noted. He added that there hadn’t been such a timely adoption before: “The budget was adopted in the next year or on December 31”.

The President emphasized that “the given budget envisages further increase of the current revenue base of local budgets". He said that from January 1, 2018, 5% of rent for the use of subsoil would be credited to local budgets.

The Head of State also said that the subvention for the formation of infrastructure of the united territorial communities for the next year would be almost UAH 2 billion. In general, state support for local self-government projects in 2018 will amount to UAH 18.5 billion.

04.12.2017 - 12:57 | Views: 16622
President expects the increase of united communities’ budgets in 2018


budget P.Poroshenko 2AHforum


Адміністрація Президента України

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