First decision on accession to previously established amalgamated hromada adopted in Odesa Oblast

Deputies of the Pavlynska rural council of the Ivanivka Rayon voted for accession to the Krasnosilska amalgamated hromada of the Lyman Rayon. This decision was supported by 9 out of 11 deputies present at the session (there are 14 of them in the deputy corps), as well as the village head, who has advisory vote right.

According to Yulia Molodozhen, director of the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe programme and MinRegion, the rural council can now start the accession procedure, as on 11 October 2017 the Krasnosilska hromada was recognised capable by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and according to the Law of Ukraine “On the Voluntary Amalgamation of Hromadas”, accession can be carried out only to a capable AH.

Mykola Borynskyi, head of Pavlynka village, must send a proposal to the Krasnosilska rural AH. In turn, this proposal should be considered by the deputies of the Krasnosilka council, and be either approved or denied. However, according to the hromada’s head Mykola Maydebura, the deputies will most likely welcome the initiative of the residents of the Pavlynska hromada.

Hereafter, when all the necessary procedures are implemented, additional elections of hromada’s deputies will be held on the territory of the Pavlynka village council.

It is worth mentioning that it is the first village council in the Odesa Oblast that decided to join the previously established amalgamated hromada. In addition, the accession procedure itself has been developed and voted by the Verkhovna Rada relatively recently – with the adoption of the Law “On Amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Voluntary Accession of Hromadas” in February this year.

29.11.2017 - 11:41 | Views: 10002
First decision on accession to previously established amalgamated hromada adopted in Odesa Oblast


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