“3D: Decentralisation – Dnipropetrovsk – Deeds” Forum started

The regional forum “3D: Decentralisation – Dnipropetrovsk – Deeds” has started on 28 November 2017.

“53 amalgamated hromadas have been created in the Oblast so far,” says Olena Tertyshna, director of the Dnipropetrovsk LGDC established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe programme. “Implementation of their own strategies is an effective tool for their development. The world experience proves that a strategic approach helps territories to prioritise their development projects and effectively implement them. Therefore, the purpose of our forum is to demonstrate the benefits of strategic planning and teach the newly established hromadas to build and implement ambitious development plans.”

The Dnipropetrovsk Oblast is one of the leaders in the pace of decentralisation in Ukraine. 14 of the 34 hromadas established in 2015-2016 have elaborated and approved the strategies for their development. The process of such strategy discussion is finishing in the Tomakivska hromada. The Apostolivska, Aulivska, Vakulivska, Zelenodolska, Mohylivska, Novoaleksandrivska, Novopavlivska, Novopokrovska, Pokrovska, Rozdorska, Slobozhanska and Sofiyivska amalgamated hromadas are already implementing their strategies. These documents take into account the priorities set out in the Region Decentralisation Strategy and the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Development Strategy. 87% of the issues planned for 2017 have already been implemented within the framework of hromadas’ development strategies.

14 leading hromadas received the certificates of the forum. Their experience is an important example for all AHs of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, because the strengths and weaknesses will be useful for compilation of the new strategies. The main emphasis should be on the economic development. It will increase capability, and availability of additional funds will enable the choice of their use for social and other hromadas’ needs.

The forum participants were greeted by Oleh Kuzhman, first deputy head of the Oblast State Administration, Oleksandr Dobrohorskyi, deputy head of the Oblast Council, Yaroslav Perepadya, head of Hub South-East of the U-LEAD with Europe programme, and Petro Mavko, U-LEAD strategic planning advisor.

28.11.2017 - 13:32 | Views: 10823

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Дніпропетровська область


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