Announcement! Communications training of USAID DOBRE Programme for AH representatives to be held on 14 December in Kherson

The communications training for the representatives of the amalgamated hromadas of the Kherson Oblast on “How to make AH open and interesting for its residents, country, partners and investors? Practical communication skills for AHs” in the framework of the programme “Decentralisation Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will be held in Kherson on 14 December 2017.

Organiser: NGO “Ukraine crisis media centre”

Venue: Kherson, Press club “Novyi Den” (26, Preobrazhenska Str.).

USAID “Decentralisation Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE) Programme is a five-year programme implemented by the International Organisation Global Communities and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The programme aims to strengthen local self-government and establish better conditions for the development of AHs, increase the level of citizens’ involvement in decision-making and ensure accountability and transparency in public administration. The DOBRE Programme works in 7 target oblasts: the Dnipropetrovsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kirovohrad, Mykolaiv and Ternopil ones.

Contact person – Anna Nikulina, communications coordinator in the southern regions of Ukraine of DOBRE Programme (tel. 0969364224)

Training “How to make AH open and interesting for its residents, country, partners and investors? Practical communication skills for AHs”

Khersn city, 14 December


9:00-9:40 – Introduction, acquaintance, practical advice from Anatoliy Zhupyna, chief editor of the oblast newspaper “Novyi Den”

9:40–9:50 – Introduction practice: blitz questions from the journalist

Learning to present our hromadas and investment projects

Practical skills: work with Power Point presentations

9:50–10:00 – Rules of work with a presentation

10:00 – 10:15 – Pitch deck – how to present a project to investor

10:15–11:30 – Practice: creating hromada’s business card and pitch deck

11:30–12:30 – Display and analysis of presentations

Coffee break (15 min)

12:30–13:00 – How to create infographics: advice, resources, practice “My hromada before and after decentralisation”

Sparking interest by our activities and tourist attractions

13:00–13:30 – Inspirational examples. Discussions

Lunch (45 minutes)

Training to decently meet the crisis situations

14:00–15:00 – Practical exercises, analysis

Working with the national media

15:00–15:30 – Rules to work with journalists

A bit more inspiration!

15:30–16:00 – Success stories, case studies




Херсонська область


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