More than 100 representatives of amalgamated hromadas communicate at online forum for starostas

Over one month and a half, more than 100 starostas from 22 oblasts of Ukraine registered at the online forum to discuss topical issues. There are currently no members of the amalgamated hromadas of the Kyiv and Rivne Oblasts among the forum users.

“New members and questions appear at the forum almost every day. The forum is gradually evolving, changing technically, and becomes more comfortable and informative. Users’ activity is increasing: more and more participants are involved in the discussion of acute issues. However, the number of the forum’s registered members, in my opinion, should be somewhat higher, as I am sure that starostas have something to ask and share. I hope that time will set things right,” said Oleksandr Vrublevskyi, expert advisor of DESPRO project on starostas’ activities and hromadas’ cooperation, and moderator of the forum.

He also appealed to the registered members of the forum: “If you have some urgent issues, but there is no relevant topic present at the forum, ask about them in your own question so that it does not disappear in the “Other issues” section.”

We remind you that all interested users can read the forum discussions, but only those registered can ask questions, share experiences or comment on the posts of the forum members. The questions from the registered forum members are published anonymously, that is without personal data specification, but only personified users take part in discussing the expert’s answers or comments of their colleagues.

As it is known, in total more than 600 starostas have been elected in the amalgamated hromadas, and over 1700 people are acting starostas there.

More information on starostas in the AHs is available HERE.

Online forum for starostas, acting starostas and representatives of the executive committees of the amalgamated hromadas was developed on the initiative of the Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO).


27.11.2017 - 10:07 | Views: 12761
More than 100 representatives of amalgamated hromadas communicate at online forum for starostas


starosta DESPRO


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