Cherkasy hosted civil society forum “GRANTing CHANGES 3.0”

The Interregional forum of civil society institutions “GRANTing CHANGES 3.0”, organised by the Cherkasy Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe programme and MinRegion, was held in Cherkasy on 23 November.

The forum gathered about 300 representatives of public organisations and initiatives from different parts of Ukraine. They had an opportunity to learn about effective cooperation practices between non-governmental organisations, government and business, to hear about useful experience of such cooperation and opportunities to implement their own projects due to such partnership.

In particular, in one of the thematic sections called “How to win a project for your hromada?” – Hryhorii Pererva, regional development expert of the Cherkasy LGDC and Anatoliy Parkhomenko, head of the Karashynska AH, shared recipes for the creation of successful hromada projects.

As it was noted by Serhiy Slynko, director of the Cherkasy LGDC, the Local Government Development Centre managed to prolong the useful impact of the forum and provide an opportunity for effective partnership for NGOs and initiatives of the region. He particularly emphasised the creation of a permanent platform for regional development and partnership, that will allow the permanent exchange of fruitful experience and search for new partners for the implementation of socially useful projects. For this purpose, there will be regular meetings of civil society representatives held on the basis of the Cherkasy LGDC, and the corresponding Facebook group – “Regional Development and Partnership Platform” – will continue to communicate in the social network.

23.11.2017 - 17:25 | Views: 11568
Cherkasy hosted civil society forum “GRANTing CHANGES 3.0”

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Черкаська область


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