Reforming the educational system is one of the key points of Ukraine’s success. We are introducing the New Ukrainian School, New Educational Space (NES), creating new infrastructure around these schools. These qualitative changes are the result of decentralisation – a reform that becomes a successful Ukrainian trend. This was emphasised at the forum “Ukraine on the path of education decentralisation” by Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine.
"This year we have received 189 applications from local self-government bodies for the creation of NES, and have already implemented the NEC projects in 51 schools. Every year we realise a route map, developed together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Our goal is not just to modernise schools or to create a new educational space. The main task is to change the mentality of the Ukrainian children, motivating them to become successful,” said the official.
According to him, the vocational education reform is also necessary. “From the side of local self-government we see a different approach to the development of vocational establishments, that we pass on to their ownership. There are hromadas that have identified the majors and qualifications they need, given the specifics of the business operating in their territories, and that are clearly aware of personnel demands. Though there are those that proceed with reducing the corresponding expenditures for the maintenance of such establishments. Therefore, the introduction of the new educational space, New Ukrainian School, development of vocational education, and the support of colleges of I-II accreditation levels by the government order will allow us to form an investment background in the regions. After all, the investor always comes for human resource and professionals,” said Hennadii Zubko.
The state support of the educational reform includes the instruments of the State Regional Development Fund (SRDF), subvention for AHs, programme for the development of hub schools and the “School Bus” programme, as well as local budgets. “This year 35% of all projects within the framework of the SRDF concern education. The results of such effort synergy should be seen by every child, who will successfully pass the External Independent Testing, who will have profound knowledge of foreign languages and the opportunity to receive a high-quality education,” noted Mr Zubko.
H.Zubko Ministry of Education and Science education New Educational Space
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