Communication as problem-solving tool in AH

The issue of communication between the head and deputy corps of AH, peculiarities of the local deputy’s activities, social technologies and communication tools for trust level increase belong to an incomplete list of issues discussed on 21-22 November during a two-day training for the heads, secretaries and deputies of village/rural settlement/city councils of the Mykolayiv Oblast called “Communicative Aspects of Local Self-Government: New Challenges and Opportunities”, held on the basis of the Mykolayiv Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe programme.

Nataliya Sablina, psychologist, art therapist and founder of the NGO “Centerfor Civic Initiatives South (CehrinSouth)”, president of the charity foundation “Saroka”, emphasised that: “Communication issue is currently very important, as information serves as the key tool for establishing relations between the head of the hromada, deputies and voters. The incorrect and distorted information, especially on acute or problematic issues, can negatively affect the general mood of the hromada residents, that is why it is worth learning to properly organise the communicative process.”

Settlement of situational tasks, collective discussion of already existing acute issues in hromadas, active dialogue in the form of games, application of psychological techniques in a friendly atmosphere allowed the participants to get psychologically relieved and relax during the training, as well as discuss the issues of public speaking technologies, effective participation in negotiations and public dispute, try to act as a people's deputy or even the president, find solution in a critical situation, and still decide whether the deputy’s post is a profession or calling.


23.11.2017 - 08:17 | Views: 14778

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