New issue of “Development Strategy” magazine appeared

The work on the new issue of the “Development Strategy” magazine has been recently accomplished. It includes the following articles:

  1. Continuation of the process of hromadas’ voluntary amalgamation

is among the priorities

  1. Strategy of reasonable specialisation in the countries and regions of the European Union
  2. The EU: Open data for regional development
  3. European Union Cohesion Policy after 2020: achievements and strategic perspective
  4. Universities as agents of change in regions and cities
  5. Regional statistics: support of the EU regional development policy
  6. The new state regional policy requires harmonisation of legislation

and many others.

In order to better understand the needs of its readers, the editorial board decided not to publish the electronic version of the magazine in online libraries, but to send it free of charge only to those who filled in the “Application” by the link:

After completing the application, you will receive not only the “Development Strategy” magazine, but also other informational and analytical materials of the group of advisors on the implementation of the state regional policy in Ukraine of the U-LEAD with Europe programme.

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