AHs in Cherkasy Oblast are waiting for adoption of law allowing them to fully dispose of their land

10 amalgamated hromadas of the Cherkasy Oblast sent an appeal to the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and people's deputies – to adopt the law, the draft of which is planned to be considered by the Verkhovna Rada, in order to be able to fully dispose of land outside the settlements. This appeal was signed by the Selyshchenska, Shpolyanska, Kamyanska, Mokrokalyhirska, Yerkivska, Rotmystrivska, Steblivska, Stepankivska, Zorivska and Bilozirska AHs.

“The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has scheduled for consideration a draft law No 7118 “On amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the management of land resources within the territory of amalgamated hromadas,” says Natalya Dankovska, legal counsel of the Cherkasy LGDC. “Adoption of this draft law will allow to extend the powers of local self-government bodies in the management of land resources, namely the land outside the settlements within a single hromada. At present, the powers of local self-governments on land resources management are not extended to these lands. The draft law, however, gives the village, rural settlement and city councils of AHs the authority to dispose of the land within the territory of the respective hromadas – and outside the settlements. This is in line with the Concept of the Reform of Local Self-Government and Territorial Organisation of Government in Ukraine, approved by the Government – and allows hromadas to increase their economic capacity and establish control over the use of land resources.”

“Adoption of this law will enable hromadas to attract investors and create industrial parks,” says Volodymyr Mitsuk, head of the Bilozirska amalgamated hromada and the Cherkasy Oblast branch of the Ukrainian Association of Village and Rural Settlement Councils. “At present, the land allocation procedure is one of the biggest obstacles for an investor, and in case when the hromada disposes of the land, only two sessions will be required to resolve this issue. Every single hromada is currently looking forward to this law.


Черкаська область


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