Process of candidates’ nomination for 24 December elections in AHs has begun

Starting with today, 20 November, the process of nominating candidates for deputies and for the position of village, rural settlement and city heads in the first local elections in amalgamated hromadas, that will be held on 24 December 2017, begins.

Submission of the documents for registration of candidates for deputies and for the position of village, rural settlement and city heads will last until 29 November. The territorial election commissions will decide on registration of candidates by 30 November.

As it is known, the first elections will take place on 24 December in 51 amalgamated hromadas in 17 oblasts of Ukraine. These 51 AHs include 256 local councils (7 city, 19 rural settlement, 230 village councils).

According to preliminary estimates, more than 356,5 thousand voters will be able to take part in these elections.

In general, 665 amalgamated hromadas, formed by 3118 local councils, will be finally created in Ukraine after the 24 December elections. That is, almost 28% of the former local councils have already amalgamated into more capable hromadas. 5.7 million people – 13.4% of the total population of the country – live in these 665 AHs.

20.11.2017 - 13:35 | Views: 14043
Process of candidates’ nomination for 24 December elections in AHs has begun


elections CEC



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