Decentralisation should be focused on youth: hearing on youth issues in Ukraine took place in Parliament

On 15 November the parliamentary hearings on the topic “Formation and implementation of the state youth policy in Ukraine in the framework of decentralisation” took place.

While opening the event, Oksana Syroyid, Vice Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, noted: "Decentralisation is an authority supported by the money and responsibility, and youth policy is the ideas of ​​the state supported by money, so that young people can develop themselves. Therefore, youth policy in the decentralisation context is a policy that enables development of young people on the ground – where they were born and live. "

Ihor Zhdanov, Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, emphasised the importance of active participation of young people in decision-making and hromada’s life.

In particular, the Minister cited the data of the annual sociological study “Youth of Ukraine”. According to the 2017 survey results, 62% of young people want to live in Ukraine, 56% have a positive attitude towards the decentralisation reform, and 52% are ready to personally engage in the hromada’s life initiatives.

“According to the youth, there are the following areas of youth policy at the country and settlement levels: talented youth support, promotion of a healthy lifestyle and facilitation of housing provision," said Ihor Zhdanov.

The Minister presented a detailed analysis of the conditions for implementing an effective youth policy at the hromada level.

Artur Palatnyi, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Family Matters, Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism, expressed his belief that decentralisation should be primarily youth-oriented. The future of hromadas and countries depends precisely on the attention paid to the social formation and development of young people.

Artur Palatnyi determined high-quality education, youth employment, support of young people and families in difficult living conditions, etc. as the priority areas of youth policy.

Oleksandra Churkina, Deputy Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine for European Integration, noted that involvement of young people in the process of hromadas’ evolvement creates conditions for personal development, social activity and employment. Issues of social protection and youth support, in particular the provision of comprehensive assistance in the process of employment, are significant.

Roman Hreba, Deputy Minister of Education and Science, assured that the reform of education is intended to qualitatively strengthen the potential of our youth, as well as create equal opportunities and equal rights to access education at all its levels and in all settlements of Ukraine.

In total, over 400 people participated in the parliamentary hearings, including representatives of central executive authorities, oblast state administrations, hromadas, Ukrainian youth and children's organisations, and student youth.

As a result of the hearings, the Verkhovna Rada will approve the relevant recommendations.

The annual report to the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the situation of youth in Ukraine “Formation and implementation of the state youth policy in Ukraine in the framework of decentralisation” can be found HERE.

The results of the sociological research “Youth of Ukraine 2017” and infographics are presented for your attention.

Photo made by B.Bortakov


17.11.2017 - 14:36 | Views: 12232
Decentralisation should be focused on youth: hearing on youth issues in Ukraine took place in Parliament




Мiнiстерство молоді та спорту України

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