AH in Poltava Oblast was first in oblast to join European Covenant of mayors

The Bilotserkivska hromada has joined the EU initiative on support of municipalities’ energy efficiency.

As it was reported in the Bilotserkivska amalgamated hromada, it was the first among the village and rural settlement hromadas of the Poltava Oblast, to join the European Covenant of Mayors Initiative on 15 November 2017.

The “Covenant of Mayors” is a leading initiative launched by the European Union for those who have a clear course towards the development of the green economy, reducing CO2 emissions and widespread implementation of energy efficient projects and measures.

“This is a wide range of European programmes and initiatives, as well as real support from the international community of resource-saving technologies,” commented Ivan Leshchenko, head of the Bilotserkivska AH.

The hromada is now working with experts on inventorying the basic line of CO2 emissions on their territory.

The next step is the elaboration and presentation of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan of the Bilotserkivska hromada (SECAP). It is a roadmap that will help the hromada gradually and energy-efficiently upgrade its municipal, residential and transport sectors; attract investment in professional programmes and projects for the efficient energy management, alternative energy, water and sewage system, municipal lighting and the cleaning of areas from fly dumping and garbage.


Полтавська область


Білоцерківська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада



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