Newly established hromadas of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast complete process of conducting constituent sessions

As of 16 November 2017, 15 out of nineteen amalgamated hromadas, that held the first elections on 29 October 2017, conducted their constituent sessions, where they have identified priorities for their activities, elected secretaries of councils, determined the authorities of starostas and settled many other organisational issues. The Mykolayivska hromada of the Vasylkiv rayon, Lyubymivska AH of the Dnipro rayon, Mezhivska AH of the Mezhova rayon, Mezhyritska AHs and Troyitska of the Pavlohrad rayon, Petrykivska AH of the Petrykivka rayon, Mykolayivska AH of the Petropavlivka rayon, Rayivska, Zaytsivska, Illarionivska and Slavhorodska AHs of the Synelnykove rayon, Karpivska and Shyrokivska AHs of the Shyroke rayon, Yuryivska AH of the Yuryivka rayon, Verhnyodniprovska city hromada of the Verkhnyodniprovsk rayon started their work after the constituent sessions.

The Pershotravenska, Chervonohryhorivska, Loshkarivska hromadas of the Nikopol rayon and Kytayhorodska hromada of the Tsarychansk rayon plan to conduct their first constituent sessions in the nearest future.

The employees and experts of the Dnipropetrovsk Local Government Centre, created with the support of the “U-LEAD with Europe” Programme, provide methodical assistance to the newly established hromadas in the preparation and holding of the first sessions as well as further work.

In the course of the training seminars, held by the specialists of the Dnipropetrovsk Local Government Centre, not only the procedural issues of sessions, but also the issues of strategic work planning and interaction with the public are discussed in order for hromadas to become a unified, really concerned and active team implementing powerful development projects.

16.11.2017 - 16:55 | Views: 15331

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Дніпропетровська область


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