Draft law allowing hromadas to join cities of oblast significance was approved in principle

On 16 November the Verkhovna Rada adopted in principle the draft law No 6466 "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Voluntary Amalgamation of Hromadas" regarding voluntary accession of hromadas of villages and rural settlements to the hromadas of the cities of oblast significance.

This draft law should unblock the process of formation of capable hromadas around the cities of oblast significance. It equates hromadas of the cities of oblast significance with capable amalgamated hromadas and introduces a mechanism for hromadas’ voluntary accession to these cities.

The draft law is purely technical because it corrects the mistake made in the course of the adoption of the law on voluntary accession of hromadas, which omitted the norm allowing hromadas to join the cities of oblast significance under the simplified procedure. This procedure involves holding elections of local deputies only in acceding hromadas.

It is worth mentioning that back in June the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government recommended the Parliament to adopt the draft law No 6466 in principle and as a whole.

More information on hromadas’ voluntary accession can be found HERE

List of all draft laws necessary to accelerate decentralisation process can be found HERE


16.11.2017 - 17:34 | Views: 25322
Draft law allowing hromadas to join cities of oblast significance was approved in principle




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