On 16 November the Verkhovna Rada has adopted in the first reading the draft law “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Urban Development Regulation” (6403), which enables hromadas to form the plans of their territories and determine the functional purpose of each land plot both within and outside settlements.
At present, the issue of developing spatial planning documentation for amalgamated hromadas, that include different settlements (from 2 to 50 settlements), remains unregulated. AHs cannot elaborate and approve a single urban development documentation for their entire territory.
The draft law provides AHs with the uniform documentation on spatial planning – the plan of the amalgamated hromada. It also broadens the powers of amalgamated hromadas regarding regulation of the territories’ development, and creates a mechanism for the consideration of public interests in the elaboration and approval of urban development documentation.
List of all draft laws necessary to accelerate decentralisation process can be found HERE
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