The road fund and decentralisation make a new constitution of country's road sector, - Slavomir Nowak

2018 will be the year when two fundamental reforms in the road sector – road decentralisation and Road Fund introduction – will be launched. It was announced by Slavomir Nowak, Head of the State Agency of Automobile Roads of Ukraine, at the meeting of the Government on 15 November.

"The road fund and decentralisation make a new constitution of the country's road sector, that will completely change the system of its management. This is a new opportunity and a new responsibility," said Slavomir Nowak.

At present, Ukravtodor has fully implemented the whole range of measures for implementation of this reform. The necessary amendments to the legislation are prepared, recommendations for the regions are developed, and training was conducted. The most important thing is that inventory of roads to be transferred to the local level has been completed.

As of today, orders have been issued for the transfer of roads to the balance of the Kyiv, Odesa, Vinnytsia, Ivano-Frankivsk and Cherkasy Oblasts.

"The first year will be difficult," said the the Ukravtodor head. “New responsibilities will be acquired in the regions, and Ukravtodor will continue to help. But I am convinced that decentralisation is necessary not only in the road sector. It is needed all over Ukraine".

15.11.2017 - 15:36 | Views: 9201
The road fund and decentralisation make a new constitution of country's road sector, - Slavomir Nowak




Державне агентство автомобільних доріг України

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