President: New legislation in the land sphere eliminates “enforcers” and allows the expansion of local hromadas’ powers

President Petro Poroshenko is confident that a new legislation in the land sphere will introduce civilised relations in this area. Respective legislative initiatives will be considered today in the meeting of the National Council of Reforms.

“Another great law is the law on countering land raiding, changing the function of the land cadastre and transferring powers on land administration to local budgets,” the Head of State informed during the speech in the meeting with the newly elected leaders of amalgamated hromadas and deputies.

“The institute of “enforcers” is being eliminated. There will be no need to coordinate anything in Kyiv. You have the right and responsibility. All schemes are being ruined when the community gets nothing, the state gets nothing and dealers process, sell for cash and enrichment is provided only,” Petro Poroshenko stressed.

“You have the money and power,” the President emphasised.

The Head of State also noted that other important issues would be considered in the meeting of the National Council of Reforms. Particularly, the bill on diplomatic service. “To protect another powerful army - the army of Ukrainian diplomats who ensure global solidarity with Ukraine,” he noted.

Also, the Ministry of Justice together with the Government and the President will submit the bill on the protection of legal rights of Ukrainian citizens for consideration by the National Council of Reforms.

10.11.2017 - 16:00 | Views: 14340
President: New legislation in the land sphere eliminates “enforcers” and allows the expansion of local hromadas’ powers


P.Poroshenko land


Адміністрація Президента України

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