First steps of AHs – in “Power of Hromadas” on TV

The first elections in 10 amalgamated hromadas of the Zaporizhzhya Oblast took place on 29 October. The Pidhirnenska, Novouspenivska, Chkalovska, Petro-Mykhaylivska, Vozdvyzhivska, Plodorodnenska, Novobohdanivska village AHs, the Kyrylivska, Pryazovska, Yakymivska settlement AHs have had the new authorities since the official announcement of election results, starting a new countdown in their development.

What are the challenges facing the newly elected hromada leaders? What are the first steps to be taken by the new authorities to immediately engage in effective work?

Detailed answers can be found in the seventh release of a joint TV project of the Zaporizhzhya Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the "U-LEAD with Europe" Programme and MinRegion of Ukraine, and the Zaporizhzhya branch of the Public TV.

10.11.2017 - 10:56 | Views: 13747



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