Healthcare, safety and social security are new directions supported by Donor Board on decentralisation in Ukraine

Within the framework of the Donor Board on decentralisation in Ukraine, three new thematic working groups will be established on healthcare, safety and social security in amalgamated hromadas.

It was discussed during the meeting of the thematic working group on sectoral decentralisation within the framework of the Donor Board.

The participants of the event agreed that the issues of organisation of high-quality and affordable services in healthcare, safety, social security, law enforcement and fire safety in amalgamated hromadas need to be urgently solved and supported by donors in the course of decentralisation. Consequently, it became necessary to form new thematic working groups in these areas within the framework of the Donor Board.

International technical assistance projects will coordinate their efforts to support the relevant changes proposed by the line ministries.

Presentations of changes that require donor support can be found following the links below:

Relaunch of the network of primary healthcare in rural areas. Risks and support opportunities of hromadas (Reform Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, healthcare reform);

Directions of safety ensuring in amalgamated hromadas (Project Office under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine);

Deinstitutionalisation of child care: A family for every orphan child” (ICO "International Centre for Leadership Development").

10.11.2017 - 12:42 | Views: 15388

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